Hyper-consumption and standardisation have allowed the furniture industry, particularly low-quality production, to produce large quantities of low-cost furniture for 70 years.
After several decades of unbridled consumption, the pollution generated is considerable. Every year in France, there are more than 2 million tons of furniture waste.
But today all that has changed! For a few years now, consumers all over the world have taken up the subject to contribute to this global survival reflex: ecology...and savings at the same time.
Did you know that 8 out of 10 French people buy second-hand furniture (Pollfish 2020 survey). You read that right! And 1/ it's so much better, 2/ it's not only in France that it's like that!
This simply means that the age of hyper-consumption is over. That second-hand and second-hand goods are now part of the new consumption modes favoured by increasingly eco-responsible buyers, concerned about the future of the planet.
Design Market implements an eco-responsible and environmentally friendly approach that fits this trend. Every day, hundreds of pieces of vintage and second-hand furniture put up for sale on our site find a second life with new owners. By reselling this second-hand furniture, we reduce the carbon emissions linked to the production of furniture, in a virtuous circular economy model.
When you order from Design Market, you're helping to reduce the negative impact of low-cost and fast design - the quickly made, quickly bought, quickly thrown away furniture that pollutes the planet.
No to fast design, Yes to second hand!