The art of the table at the heart of the holidays and design

An emotional and sharing moment, we all look forward to the holiday season! What a pleasure it is to get out the old cardboard boxes and decorate the house with lights and colored baubles! Now that the Christmas tree is in place, you might want to think about decorating your table. If you don't have any ideas on how to decorate your table, don't worry, we'll explain it all to you!

A red and white table decoration for a traditional Christmas

Red and white decoration may be cliché, but it is still extremely effective and traditional.With a white tablecloth and red decorative elements for a chic table or a gingham tablecloth for a country spirit, your table is sure to appeal to your guests. Embellish your table with pine cones and a few candles to warm up the atmosphere!

Red and white table art

Golden table decor? Richness guaranteed!

What would the holiday season be without gold? Placed under the sign of modernity and elegance, many designers such as PAULIN, MOGENSEN, HAMMERBORG, HARCOURT, SCIOLARI, JAKOBSSON and NELSON have suproposed sublime pieces to perfect our interiors. However, be careful to use gold in a subtle way so as not to fall into "too-much". Used in small touches on your table, gold will bring elegance and refinement to your table. Wow effect guaranteed!

Golden Table Art

Color and more color on your table

Highly trendy, color is inviting itself onto our tables for the holidays. Bring a breath of fresh air and originality to your home by playing with colors. A little deco tip: don't hesitate to associate colors with your interior decoration by mixing them with gold or silver elements to bring shine and elegance to your table.

Colorful Table Art

When Nature Invites Itself to Your Table for the Holidays

Nature Lovers, brace yourselves, these decoratingtips are for you! If table art rhymes with natural cachet and old world charm then furniture from famous designers like KRISTIANSEN, WEGNER, JALK, VODDER, CADOVIUS, and EAMES will perfectly find its way into your home for a natural looking tabletop!

Natural Table Art

Design Market tips for a 100ête table!

Do you find holiday table art appealing but still have doubts about making THE perfect table? No worries! To help you out, our team has put together a quick rundown for an elegant and magical holiday season.

Table art according to Design Market

Design Market

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